I must agree!!! Yes I must agree that we Indians are really hot targets for marketers, provided others should know how to market their product well. So why the hell am I writing about marketing in a review of any movie... Ok let me come to the point. Mission Impossible is seriously a big name. All the movies have something hatke in it. Be it story line ( which is always foolish and seemed to be copied from any old Indian bolly flick), the high speed action ( yes it is at least better than any other flicks) or different looks of Tom Cruise ( no need to tell why girls go gaga over his look). These movies have something for you.
Now coming back to MI4, the official name of this movie is Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, where Ghost Protocol is a protocol which disown the IMF team headed by Ethan Hunt ( Aka Tom Cruise). This movie has every masala which is promised by any MI movie. Be it action, no story line, great looks or travelling of team from here and there.

Now coming to Mumbai, Whew, Better I should restrict myself with limited words. I mean WTF!!! You are showing Mumbai on screen but hardly a 1-2 scenes got shot at Mumbai. Movie shows that actor fled away in his “concept” car from Mumbai Hotel, hardly after 1-2 seconds you can see Kannada language written everywhere. And Since when SUN TV ( Tamil Channel of Karunanidhi family) has their broadcasting office in Mumbai. The funniest part shown was they covered about 6-7 miles in 5 minutes thats too on Mumbai Street. You must be kidding!!! Even if streets are empty and you are ready to drive as fast as possible you cant reach to destination in this given time even in your concept car.

Well in MI4, Director casted Anil Kapoor after seeing his work in SLumdog Millionaire and TV series 24. So they casted Anil Kapoor for really important role ( reaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy). I mean if editor of the movie accidently deleted his role from the movie, nothing would happen with story line. His role is hardly for 3-4 minutes, showing him as billionaire ( he never got chance t be shown as billionaire in any Indian movie. So SAD!!!!!!!!!) and dancing on the tune of firang actress and to say "creamy lines" like " Indian MENS are hot" ( one of my friend suggested me to add this line too in blog ) . In short each and everyone was actually laughing on his “great role” in movie. His role was like a loo break in a movie. I mean if a person goes to loo for 3-4 minute in movie, there is high chance that he would miss Anil’s presence in movie. But thanks to great marketing guys they promoted Anil Kapoor as one of the lead actor in movie in India. Even Posters released in India showed AK in it.
Well all in all movie is good for action scenes. The only thing which I missed in this movie is use of MASKS. Damn use of masks in MI movies always makes me laugh. I seriously like this movie minus India part of it and expecting MI5 to be more of good action scene and at least some creamy role to AK. Just kidding.