Monday, September 3, 2012

The News Hour with Arnab Goswamy on EK THE TIGER

Arnab: Hello ladies and gentlemen, in a worst ever situation happened in our nation, A top secret RAW agent named “Tiger” eloped away with top secret ISI agent. To hide their mistake, our Intelligence agency is trying to destroy documents related to him. We are here to discuss how is it going to impact on national security? Is our “top secret” data in safe hands?
To discuss it today we have Raw Head, Digvijay Singh from ruling party congress, Prakash Jawdekar from main opposition party BJP,  Dalit Leader, Security Analyst and Arvind Kejriwal from Team Anna.
Raw Head sir, I would start with you. Why on earth you are destroying data related to Tiger?
Raw Head: See Arnab, 1st of all you are wrong with your data. I must tell you, Tiger was our best spy ever. He is the one who could go to any damn country in the world. Break all their properties, stop train and put life of several hundred passengers in danger and still manage to come out of that country easily. Tiger is one such spy whom we used to track the record of people meeting professor. I meant to say Tiger is one such brilliant spy who can cook “Daal” for me, doesn’t spend any penny from his salary, track such stupid records and destroy property of other nations. Let me assure you Arnab, our data is in safe hands. Else tell me both ISI and RAW are after his life and still he is making fool of all of us.
Tiger before running away
Arnab: He ran away with top secret spy of ISI, Pakistani intelligence agency and you are saying that data is in safe hands. People of this nation want to know what is the definition of safe hands? People of India are seeking for a justice.
Raw Agent: do you think you represent them all. You don’t have….
Arnab: Over to Digvijay Singh. Sir, such things are happening when UPA is in regime. Your government is still struggling hard with corruption issue and now top secret spy of our nation eloped with Pakistani agent.
Digvijay Singh: Arnab, Tiger joined RAW in year 2003, at that time NDA government was in power. They had recruited such people in our intelligence. I must tell you it is a high level of corruption by NDA government. I will ask government to make a commission to enquire about all such recruitment of NDA era.
Arnab & Digvijay Singh discussing about Tiger
Prakash Jawdekar: Digvijay ji, I think….
Arnab: Digvijay ji, I must stop you at this moment. Prakash Jawdekar has something to say.
Prakash: Digvijay Ji, I think you have failed to hear that he was the top spy of India. He ran away when your government was in power. I am 100% sure he got this corrupted thoughts after seeing ruling party in all these 2g scams, coal scam and many others. The point is government people are getting confidence of doing all sort of corruption.
Digvijay: My dear friend Prakash ji you don’t know anything. I am sure Tiger has a RSS background. Only an RSS agent could tie up with terrorists or ISI agents.
Prakash: Digvijay Ji, you have got a problem. Even I must say whenever you open any newswebsite you close it down because such website supports “RSS Feeds”.
Jawdekar replying back to Digvijay Singh on RSS issue.
Arnab: We have Dalit Leader in our panel to discuss it. Sir what according to you is problem?
Dalit Leader: See Arnab, RAW has no problem with agent who ran away and got killed in Iraq by Tiger. Just because Tiger was dalit, he is getting framed in this issue.
Arnab: But sir Tiger’s surname is Rathode, it means he was not a dalit.
Dalit Leader: If he was not a dalit, then why on the holy earth you had invited me to this panel?
You know Arnab, although you belong to Assam and now live in Mumbai but you actually behave like a typical Delhite who invites zillion of people in wedding of his son/daughter just to show off his strength. I am leaving this panel now.
Arnab: Sir, please we request you to stay here and to discuss this issue. Well now joining us Mr. Arvind Kejriwal. Arvind another issue for you now. Will you opt for another “Annual hunger strike till death” now?
Arvind: Arnab , we will fight till our death. We will sit for “hunger strike till death” on monthly basis now. We will make sure Janlokpal bill will pass in next session and we will show to public that both BJP and Congress are corrupt.
Arvind talking about "Monthly Hunger strike"
Arnab: Sir, we are here talking about RAW issue not corruption.
Arvind: See Arnab, you think yourself as a judge and never let other person to speak. My fight is to get power errrr……….. I mean Team Anna is dedicated for corruption free corruption errrrrrrrr…….. I mean corruption free India.
Security Issue Analyst: Arnab do you think I am a paper weight which looks pretty in any meeting? You have not given any chance to me to speak.
Arnab: Sir, I was about to come to you. Sir so tell me what should be the next step and how do you think it as an issue?
Security Issue Analyst: see 1st of all he is just a spy. We are living in a nation where even PM has no clear data and limited access to his own powers and you are only talking about a RAW agent who is hiding away in some other country. So I am sure Tiger has very limited data.
2nd It is a mistake of Raw Head who sent him to UN meeting in front of journalists from all over the world and where delegation members from every countries were there.
What I am trying to say is he was just a spy not miss India.
Arnab: thank you all for coming here. So ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure Tiger is safe and data is in safe hands. If intelligence agencies of 2 nations are not able to catch him up then no one on earth could reach to him. Good Night.

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