Sunday, February 16, 2014

liberalization? not in our society

Many people narrate sad story of license raj in India. I am sure you must have heard one as well. If not, then let me tell you in brief that you need to take permission for literally everything from Indian government. Want to buy a car? Go and knock the door of government. Want to install one more machine at your factory? Go and ask government whether they like idea or not. Actually leaders of that era want to have secured economy with no interference of anyone else.  I must tell you that was the bad phase and indian economy was on brink of collapsing for more than 10 times in 4 decades. In several occasion india has to sell out its gold reserves just to keep economy running. So you can understand the poor condition of indian economy at that time.
So has the condition improved? Yes thanks to Manmohan Singh and Narsimh Rao Indian economy took U turn and India became liberal economy. Since then India is one of the looking after economies in world. It is a matter of fact that India was one of the limited economies which survived 2008 economic recession. Anyways my point is not limited to give lecture on Indian Economy. With the awesome performance of current indian government many people have become economist and day night giving lectures on how to improve economy.
Anyways coming to the topic, are we really a free society. May be in terms of economy, but not otherwise. Fortunately or unfortunately indian parents are still of that era. They love to be in secured zone. May be it is still the reason that india is not a land of entrepreneurs.  Indian parents are still in that world where they believe to take decision for their wards till parents are able to take decisions. I mean take an example from 3 idiots, a baby was labeled with the tag of engineer just moments after his birth. That baby ( madhvan yaar) was not even allowed to take decision of his career. Is it limited to movies only? Are you fucking kidding me? It is everywhere. May be some parents are improvised version but not all. Maximum infact I must say more than 95% are in that zone.
The poor kids in india live in the secured citadel of their parents . till the moment they understand the real definition of risk it is actually too late to take any. The real tussle starts early in the life. want to study arts instead of science? Oh but then how will you become engineer? So poor kid ends up wasting his life in studying physics maths etc when he was not able to understand even a simple concept of vector. Anyways after getting first shock as a failure he somehow manages to clear the school and start thinking about his future as something. But hey don’t you remember you were tagged as future engineer just moments after your birth and he ends up fighting hard to clear entrance exam of IIT.
To cut the story in short, in every moment that kid was not even allowed to take any decision and then one day the same indian parents come into the picture and say I am highly disappointed with my child he is not like that xyz kid of someone else. Why should you be proud of your kid. That poor fellow ends up killing himself and his dreams at every stage of his life just for the sake of your happiness and in the end when he is destroyed to the core you are not happy. Holy grace. What more do you want from a dumb robot. Yeah dumb robot because till this moment he is just following someone’s orders and following you like a blind person.
If you wanted to make him something it would have been better if you have allowed him to take risks. It would have been better if you have encouraged him to do things in his own way. Come on even a kid learns taking his first step after falling down several times.  So what is wrong if he fails in some of his decisions, at least he will learn something but just showing that he is foolish and can’t take any decision is only making him dumb and you are actually encouraging him not to take any decision.
Now why I took the example of indian parents and indian govt. The reason is simple restricted world could give only restricted results. Restricted thinking could only give restricted possibilities and restricted outcomes. All I want to say is that try to become liberal like indian economy. May be things could improve a little bit.

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