Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kyu mai jaagu

You know something is wrong happening with you, when you wake up at 5 in the morning on the day of SUNDAY!!!. I mean specially after a superb ,tiring, stupid, useless work which you do in office in 6 days a week. How could I justify this punch of cruel Mother Nature?
So it happened like this, I was all alone at my home. Saw many movies and other stuffs on my laptop till 2 in the morning/night ( depends what you call this time, but to maintain International standard let it be 2 am in the morning ). If we evaluate things by the order of time, I must be tiring but hey I just got wake up after 3 hours of my sleep. And since then I am trying hell to sleep back, which includes seeing so many glorified people on highly horrified TV channels like Aastha, Sanskaar and other. I too switched to MTv but that just ruined my chances of hitting bad again.
I know last 1 month is not a bed of roses for my life. I mean I am back to cruel world of corporate. I am doing nothing than hitting Gmail, updating Facebook account and listening those highly glorified words which could be termed as “Gaali-Galoch” of sales team. If I have to rate anything worst happened in my MBA I would seriously be cruel in rating summer internship. I mean what a wastage of 2 month time. In the meanwhile I could have worked on something more important. But no!! For the sake of 100 university marks and little thing which is known as LEARNING, I am doing this.
It’s not like I am not enjoying my work. My team is very supportive, they try to give whatever a summer intern could do ( NO, it’s not updating old excel sheets or shifting chairs from here n there). I mean I am working like a part of a team. But still I think If corporate don’t plan something really good for summer interns they should not hire them.
I know whatever I have written is highly confusing. But alas it is my life. Whatever I think to do , I just do opposite and ruin my chances and come out happily. :P yes another confusing statement!!! I mean I have just become puppet of that thing called God.
Yeah I know it is a part of life and it must goes on. So in this scorching heat of northern India, I can only give one gyan “Chill maar Dhondhu”.

P.S. the title of this blog is dedicated to song which I am listening right now "Kyu mai jaagu" of movie Patiala House.


  1. ahem starting is nice ..... lost way in mid.... so you wrote anything that came to ur mind :P .... keep on writing is a way forward :-) ...

  2. seriously co need a plan for simmers interns.......
