Friday, June 10, 2011

On the streets

I love my life travelling to Ghaziabad to Gurgaon. I mean I will seriously miss travelling to 70-75 KM a day for no reason. Yeah reason was there but I rate it as no reason.
Well driving is not an easy task. You don’t know about driving habits of other drivers. Then I thought to give some of my billion dollars time to write on driving habits of various people.
You daily meet lots of people on road, especially in country like India where population is more than 1.2 billion you meet some thousands of people on the road. Every other driver falls in a specific category of drivers. Here are some of the categories:
1)  Cab drivers: These are those people who think they are driving in F1 race. They have some other fellow passengers in their cab typically known as IT/BPO employees. Cab drivers are famous for driving at maximum RPM which even can make F1 race drivers shame. I mean you cannot miss a Tata Indica,Toyota quails running on maximum speed even on single lane road.
Basically these people don’t care about accidents or whatever because they do not have to pay charges infact IT/BPO companies are paying for it or rather say the company which is paying to BPO for services is paying it. So you know its 3rd party payment and no one care about it actually.
2) College going kids: These people too believe in testing car’s maximum speed. These are young brats who have ATM sitting at home ( yes I am talking about parents). So they too don’t have to worry about money in the pocket and damage on the car.
Generally you can identify those people listening any rock song on full volume (challenging government’s norms of DB scale), beer or any other alcoholic drink in one hand and one stick which continuously leaves smoke in other hand. Wait it means both the hands are occupied. Yes thats the trick which only these people know.
3) Old people: these are executives who run companies but too busy to drive their cars. Generally they hire drivers for it ( Outsourcing is everywhere :P ). Maximum speed allowed for such people are only limited to 50-60 KMPH that’s too in worst conditions.
You can easily highlight such people in cars like Accent, Mercedes, BMW or in other word a car which costs at least 15 Lacs.
4) People owning new cars: These are the people who care about their cars most, even they can for once forget about their wedding anniversary, Birthdays or any other special occasion but never ever can forget about service deadline of the car.
They are the only people ( like executives) who give daily wash to car, polish them every time and do whatever to make their cars new. These people are least dangerous on roads because they themselves don’t want to have a scratch on car.
5) women: Ok world knows that these are the worst drivers in the history of humans. Don’t know what they think when they drive. For instance they care more about lipsticks and facial makeup than concentrating on car.
They hit speed as they hard as they can and on the same time hit break as hard as possible that you can identify with the tyre marks that a woman was driving a car at that place. They talk continuously on mobile, they change song tracks often. And If ever they meet with accident whole world comes to support them and beat other person even if other person has no fault at all. Must say, these are the dangerous drivers on roads.

I’d tried to cover all the possible drivers here. 

At least now you know , you are safe on road or not. 


  1. where do you fall in all of these ?

  2. U have no right to generalise like this on women's driving. do u hv any proof that shows that women care more abt make up than cars.. i mean how ridiculous is that... making such statements to boost ur stupid male ego wen u urself are not the best driver in the world. U really have no right to write such thngs be it on ur own blog. maybe nobody reads it but still this is clear gender bias.

  3. @sonam : relax yaar... it is not to boost my male ego or anything. it was just for fun. if u like it good else forget it...

  4. @sanket : max of the time i drive like young brat :P now dont ask me explanations :D

  5. i made some new additions of my exp. and put it on my company blog. Don't say i cheated. I m having the same exp., just some words (80%) are yours.
    By the way, all these stages came in our life too.
    Now we are yelling on others.This is not right naa. Let's play their game, if they win, they will live. And, if not, they will get a B*tt shot.
